When Children Push Our Buttons
2023-11-28 (Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash) 2.5 min read Children: a source of pride and joy, and a reason for living!  They can also trigger the good, bad and ugly memories from your own childhood, une...
Finding Gold In Our Painful Histories
2023-11-14 (Photo by Simon Lee on Unsplash) 2 minute read When I was a considerably younger version of my adult self, I had what you might call a spiritual experience, where I came to the realisation that my...
When The Drugs Don´t Work
2023-10-28   (Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash) 1.5 minute read It was recently brought to my attention that Portugal is one of the highest consumers of antidepressant drugs in OECD countries globally...
Nothing "wrong" with going to therapy
2023-10-08       (Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash)   "I don't need therapy, there's nothing wrong with me."  Ultimately, I can agree with the second part of that statement but not necessarily the first...